Managed Hair Salon, near Glenside, Eastern Suburbs, Adelaide



Nikki Katz

0420 205 021

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This managed salon which is set in a strip shop in an eastern suburb location, 5km for Adelaide CBD, is making a cool $88,920 Profit per year.

Modern salon in a great location with cheap rent of only $17,730 + GST + Outgoings per year! Long lease too!

Currently run by 1 x full time manager/stylist, 2 x p/t senior & 1 apprentice plus the Owner works part time.

Large room at the rear which could be made into a beauty room, then run or rented out!
Also the back area could be made into the basin room, thus creating more stations in the main floor area.

Currently with 5 stations & 2 basins with the potential to add 2-4 more

Sales are on average $5,800 p.w
Profit of $1,710 p.w ( for 2021).

Only open 5 days a week so can increase hours.

Price $110,000 + stock

Email to inspect this salon today!

Alternatively call 0420 205021 to discuss with Nikki Katz



Net Profit

(to owner operator)



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