For Sellers
Find the right buyer for your business in the shortest time possible for the best return. Our personalised service will give you the confidence and security of dealing with an industry specialist.
Teaching you the skills about how to navigate buying or selling a salon
Nikki of Nikki Katz Salon Sales has risen to the top of the Australian business broking industry with a mission to shake up the industry with a modern perspective and “can-do” attitude. She dedicated herself to honing her understanding of Australian business, and gaining insights into what motivates business purchasers and investors. Before long, she solidified that statement within the industry, being inducted into the REISA Hall of Fame 2022/2023 and receiving the REIA Australia National Business Broker of the Year Award, 3 years in a row – amongst numerous others awards.
Find the right buyer for your business in the shortest time possible for the best return. Our personalised service will give you the confidence and security of dealing with an industry specialist.
How will you know which practices are for sale before competition becomes fierce? By registering your interest in Nikki Katz, you can be among the first to be notified about new salon listings.