Managed Hair salon set in an Inner-western suburb, just 3km west of Perth’s CBD.
The salon is set in a strip shop surrounded by new apartment developments, cafes, shops, and restaurants.
Walk in condition with floor to ceiling windows to front, allowing plenty of natural light for colour work
The premises itself is beautiful with features all through and decorated to a high standard
There is a team manager, working full time, 4 x p/t Stylists & 2 f/t apprentices
The owner does not work in the salon but still takes a wage so there is an additional wage to either employ another stylist or for an Owner/operator there is an additional $58,602 + super to take home!
Key Considerations
• Long established
• Fit out “walk in condition”
• 12 stations & 3 Basins
• Long lease
• Rent $1,381 p.w
• Sales $9,046.92
• Profit for 2022 – $81,099
• Additional Owners wage + Super of $64,462.20 ($58602 + super)
As an Owner/operator salon, the Owner’s profit is $65,168 + $81,099. (Owners Wage + Super $53,291)
Alternatively, run it under management – profit is $81,099
Price $121,000 + Stock at Valuation (approx. $20,000)
Net Profit
(to owner operator)
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