Larger sized Hair & Beauty Salon on the market as an Assets Sale Only
If you are looking for a salon all set up, fully furnished and ready to start trading with clients – this is the one for you!
If you were to set a salon up from scratch you would not be able to set it up for what this one costs!
What is done already:
-All fixtures & Fittings in place
-Hair Salon – 7 stations & 2 Basins ( all electric)
-Beauty Salon- 2 beauty rooms + 1 spray tan room
-Salon Name
-All Social Media
-Telephone number
-Client Database ( on computer)
-Computer system
– Long lease for 7 years
-Beauty rooms can be sub-leased if not required bringing in rental income.
-Modern building next to busy gym
Price $29,000 + stock
Net Profit
(to owner operator)
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