Brilliant Beauty Salon For Sale, 20kms South Of Adelaide CBD, (nk.)


Adelaide, South Australia


$120,000 + stock (approx $15K)

Nikki Katz

0420 205 021

Submit Confidentiality Agreement to find out more

Long established Beauty Salon with full staff of trained therapists, set in prime location in the South of Adelaide.

Set on the outside of a busy shopping centre next to a major supermarket, bakery, chemist and many more shops – this is a desirable location.

Plenty of parking and regulars who come to the shopping centre regularly, this established salon has real attention to detail.

With upmarket services offered, this is a pretty bespoke kind of Beauty Salon with service to its clients at the top of their priority.

Staffed by 1 x Senior Beauty therapist 30 Hours + 1 Nail Technician 15 Hours + 1 apprentice 15 hours + Owner p/t

Double pamper room, 2 other treatment rooms + express room

Established 35 years ago

Sales $7,000 per week (approx)

Profit $100,481 (2022)

Lease runs until 1st Sept 2023 + 1 further period of 5 years

Rent $1067.95 per week + GST+ Outgoings

Price $120,000 + stock at Valuation ( approx $15K)

This salon is selling due to retirement so the owner will not be involved in the beauty industry moving forward

Call Nikki Katz today to inspect this beauty salon or call Nikki Katz on 0420 205021 to find out more details.


$7,000 per week (approx)


$1067.95 per week + GST+ Outgoings

Net Profit

(to owner operator)

$100,481 (2022)


$120,000 + stock (approx $15K)

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